Punters deposit money with the broker and use it as collateral to borrow a much larger amount and magnify their trading positions. 客户将资金存入券商,并利用这笔资金作为抵押,借入更大规模资金放大其交易头寸。
If an investor has money on deposit with an investment bank/ broker that not only appears to be at risk but returns nothing, then why maintain the deposit? 如果投资者将资金存入某家投行或经纪商,而该投行或经纪商不但看上去面临风险、而且还把投资者的钱吞得一干二净,那么为何还要存在它们那里呢?
Deposit is the initial outlay required by a broker of a client to open a futures position, returnable upon liquidation of that position. 保证金指经纪公司收取的客户建立期货头寸的初始资金,在该部位平仓后返还。